Star Wars fans who grew upward consuming Expanded Universe comics, books, and video games grew to love the new assortment of characters and stories coming out of the LucasFilm camp. However, when Disney purchased the Star Wars IP from George Lucas in 2012, the new company put 99% of the Expanded Universe content straight out to pasture, rebranding it as "Legends" material.

It can be argued that Legends content would have been much meliorate source material to draw upon, as opposed to the sequel trilogy produced independently by Disney. Many fans agree, and much of this love for the former Expanded Universe cloth comes in the form of high-impact fan art. These absolutely amazing art pieces were created by fans who know how rich the Legends material is.

ten Jaina Solo & Jagged Fel - Two Lovers From Different Worlds

Fan art rendition of Jagged Fel & Jaina Solo

Jagged Fel was raised by the Chiss under the direct control of Thousand Admiral Thrawn, and Emperor Palpatine by extension. Upon the Empire's defeat, Fel constitute himself bouncing between loyalty to the Purple Remnant, besides as the New Democracy. He would eventually come to the aid of the latter more often than not.

Eventually, Fel would presume command of the Majestic Remnant, reshaping it into a more than honorable version of its former cocky. He fell in dearest with, and would eventually marry Han and Leia's female person girl Jaina Solo, earlier condign the first Emperor of the newly revived Empire. This amazing piece of art by Saith100 captures the 2 in a rare moment of quiet.

9 Tahiri Veila - Jedi Knight, Sith Amateur, & Eventual Outcast

Tahiri Veila, after falling to the dark side of the Force

Tahiri Veila lived a very rough life, and information technology eventually defenseless upwardly with her. She was originally raised on Tatooine by moisture farmers, but when they were killed, she was taken in by Tusken Raiders and fabricated one of their own. Eventually, she made her mode to the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 and grew close to Han and Leia's youngest son Anakin.

Subsequently, she would fall under the spell of Jacen Solo, who became the Sith Lord Darth Caedus, and served as his amateur. She would eventually renounce the Sith after her expiry, becoming a mercenary with no allegiances. This ominous art slice, also by Saith100 captures her in darker, more than troubling times.

viii Darth Talon - Nighttime Lady Of The Sith

Fan art rendition of Darth Talon


137 long years afterwards the Battle of Yavin and the destruction of the kickoff Death Star, the Sith Lord known every bit Darth Krayt arose to threaten the galaxy under his newly reformed order, the I Sith. Under his tutelage was Darth Talon, a female Twi'lek who became his personal assassin.

Fiercely loyal and dreadfully powerful, Darth Talon tried and failed to convert Luke Skywalker's direct descendent Cade into joining the Sith ranks. She was originally envisioned by George Lucas to exist the principal villain in a new sequel trilogy before he sold the property to Disney. This 3D model by Aditya Parab captures her in stunning celebrity, correct downwards the very last tattoo.

seven HK-47 - Smart-Mouthed Assassin Droid During The Old Republic

Fan art rendition of the HK-47 assassin droid

Fans of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Democracy know who HK-47 is and for good reason. He's one of the most recognizable Star Wars droids, mostly for his wicked, draconian deadpan humor and penchant for referring to organics as "meat-bags." In a firefight, still, he's quite the warrior.

This cracking cartoon-inspired piece of work past Callista1981 nails the assassin droid with perfect detail, right down to the last servo. It's a quirky and fun take on the graphic symbol, and the use of oranges and golds really makes the piece stand out and smooth.

six Yuuzhan Vong Warrior - Force-Resistant Warrior Species Who Decimated The New Republic

Fan art rendition of a Yuuzhan Vong warrior

The Yuuzhan Vong appeared in the New Jedi Order series of Legends novels, and they literally turned the known milky way upside down with their violent invasion. Trillions died in the conflict, entire planets (including Coruscant) were either wiped out or "shaped" into grotesque conflicting worlds, and several cardinal characters including Chewbacca and Anakin Solo were killed.

The Yuuzhan Vong were given descriptions in the novels, but the sheer alien nature of their pattern meant it was difficult to visualize. Artists similar MaraVoev stepped up to the plate to requite us works just like this one, that give some idea every bit to what these Forcefulness-resistant beings looked similar.

5 K Admiral Thrawn - A Brilliant Chiss Tactician Working For The Empire

Fan art rendition of Grand Admiral Thrawn

Yard Admiral Thrawn is at present viewed as one of the mainstay characters of the Star Wars universe, simply he started out fully in Expanded Universe (at present called Legends) material in Timothy Zahn's groundbreaking novel Heir to the Empire. A Chiss officer serving under the command of Emperor Palpatine, Thrawn used his brilliant and strategic armed forces listen to wage a entrada of terror on the New Republic following the destruction of the second Death Star.

This piece by Feivelyn captures Thrawn from below, giving him impressive and intimidating stature. The item is excellent, right downward to the prestige in his officeholder's compatible. The character is flanked from behind past a golden Purple logo for a fiddling extra symbolism. All in all, a dynamite shot.

four Darth Revan - A Mighty Sith Lord During The Old Commonwealth

Fan art rendition of Darth Revan

Darth Revan became 1 of the nigh famous Sith Lords in Star Wars, post-obit his first appearance in the classic video game Knights of the Old Republic. Originally meant every bit a gender-ambiguous character through whom the principal player can relate, Revan was somewhen canonized as a male Jedi-turned-Sith who turned the galaxy on its head.

This striking and powerful shot past Oddhouse Studio is one of the all-time Revan fan art pics, period. The detail in the suit, the armor pieces, and the twin lightsabers is extraordinary, and it really captures the menace and stature of one of Star Wars' almost signature Sith Lords.

3 Darth Nihilus - A Terrifying Sith Lord & A Wound In The Force

Fan art rendition of Darth Nihilus from Knights of the Old Republic II

Darth Nihilus was introduced in the follow-up video game Knights of the Sometime Commonwealth II: The Sith Lords equally one of the chief antagonists that the actor must face off against. Nihilus is notorious for beingness one of the nigh frightening Sith Lords ever - a former human so consumed by the Dark Side that he essentially turned into a non-corporeal spirit held together by sheer will below his mask and robes.

Nihilus was a perpetual wound in the Force who tried to sate his hunger by devouring life free energy from entire worlds. Equally such, he was the closest thing to a vampire in Star Wars lore, too every bit having the crawly ability of the Force on his side. This creepy and haunting shot of Nihilus was done by Aste17, and it'due south absolutely perfect.

2 Kyle Katarn - Rebel Mercenary & Eventual Jedi Knight

Fan art rendition of Kyle Katarn in battle

Kyle Katarn was introduced in the classic FPS game Star Wars: Nighttime Forces as a mercenary working for the Rebellion who steals the plans for the original Death Star. Over time, he grew to become a Jedi Knight and an important figure in the post-Empire days alongside Luke Skywalker and his Jedi Social club.

Eventually, the character was retconned into oblivion during the great Disney purge, relegating his status firmly into the Legends category. Withal, he's i of the near famous Jedi Knights around, and this awesome, incredible shot by Reau for Star Wars: Galactic Ambitions proves why.

1 Jaina Solo Slays Darth Caedus, AKA Jacen Solo, Her Brother

Fan art rendition of Jaina Solo killing Darth Caedus

Ane of the central moments of the Legends materials involved Han and Leia's son Jacen Solo falling to the Dark Side and turning into Darth Caedus. He believed that by doing and so, he could save a galaxy in turmoil from itself, and therefore billions of lives in the procedure. However, like all Sith Lords, he cruel besides far into his own delusions and needed to be stopped.

Later committing a number of heinous acts, including the murder of Luke Skywalker'south dear wife Mara Jade, it was upward to his twin sis Jaina to put him downward, once and for all. This emotional art piece by Yume-Darling captures that final moment and all of its heartbreaking weight.

Side by side: Star Wars: 10 Pieces Of Count Dooku Fan Fine art That Are Royally Crawly

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